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mid-autumn f...
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The mid-autumn festival is a good occasion for family reunion.


The mid-autumn festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of Our Chinese lunar calendar.


During the mid-autumn festival, family members often gather together to share a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes.


Once more he smiled, remembering a certain Mid - Autumn Festival.

一想起那一年 中秋 佳节,他不禁漾出笑容.

The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near.


Well, there are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid - autumn Festival , Chung Yeung Festival and so on.

嗯, 还有端午节 、 中秋节 、 重阳节等等.

Would you like to come over to my home for Mid - Autumn Festival ?

你愿意来我家过 中秋节 吗 ?

Interesting! So Mid - Autumn Festival is in the middle of Autumn?

真有趣. 那么 中秋节 便一定是发生在秋天中间 吧 ?

Mid - Autumn Festival , Chong Yang Festival and so on.

中秋节 、 重阳节等等.

One of the most simple: a happy Mid - Autumn Festival !

一句最朴实的话: 中秋 快乐!

I wish a happy Mid - Autumn Festival , one more round full moon!

祝 中秋节 快乐, 月圆人更圆!

The Mid - Autumn Festival has arrived. I already eaten a hundred Mood Cakes.

中秋节 快到了,我已经吃了快一百个饼了.

On the Mid - Autumn Festival, they sat across from each other drinking.


Mooncakes reunion, is symbolizing the Mid - Autumn festival will feed.

月饼象征着团圆, 是 中秋 佳节必食之品.

Thank you for telling me about the Mid - Autumn Festival.

42谢谢你告诉我关于 中秋节 的事.

Mid - Autumn Festival , Changsha Qiulao Hu's even had a hot summer season.

中秋节 之后, 长沙的秋老虎甚至热过了盛夏季节.

The teacher asked the children to some poems about the Mid - Autumn Festival.

老师要求孩子们编写关于 中秋节 的诗.

My favorite part of Mid - Autumn Festival is eating mooncakes!


"mid-autumn festival"的基本信息





